Totara Learn Open Discussions

Recording accredited qualifications and apprenticeships in Totara

Richard Fields
Recording accredited qualifications and apprenticeships in Totara
by Richard Fields - Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 7:49 AM

Hi there, I work for a medium size org in the UK and we've been using Totara (v16) for about a year. We've been utilising the evidence bank for staff to record learning activity (including qualifications) that they've undertook outside of the platform. There is now an increasing need for us to provide more detailed reporting on accredited qualifications and apprenticeships, and the evidence bank functionality seems somewhat limited for what we're hoping to achieve. For example, we'd like a staff member (or their manager) to be able to record when they've started a qualification and then revisit at different stages to update on progress all the way through to completion. We would then be able to accurately report on how many people are undertaking quals/apprenticeships, what they are in, and at what stage. I know you can edit an evidence bank entry, but I wonder whether there is a slicker solution in Totara. Has anyone experienced a similar need from their business and/or can provide guidance on other options available? Thanks!

Craig Eves
Re: Recording accredited qualifications and apprenticeships in Totara
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 7:04 PM
Group Totara

Hi Richard

This may be able to be achieved by adding custom field to an evidence type such as start date and stage to Evidence types .

This field would be available in the Evidence report source and aggregation to provide the counts you require.

Do you have a Partner that can help setting this up?
