Totara Learn Open Discussions

Manager email / notification digest

Manager email / notification digest
WoodSam 发表于 2024年07月18日 Thursday 02:33

Firstly, I apologise if this has been requested/asked previously, or already exists.

The question - Is there a way to combine certification renewal email notifications into a daily/weekly digest?

The problem - Notifications for certification expires are useful and requested, great when the line manager has a handful of staff. but we have line managers with up to 50 staff, compliance-based training renewals can trigger up to 50 emails per certification, approximately 300 emails to a line manager, potentially in one day.

This causes line managers to farm notifications into folders and ignore them.

Turning off notifications is not possible due to those with only 1 - 5 staff.

The solution - To stop notifications based on the number of staff. Enable a digest so these notifications condense into one email with the names of the colleagues listed. or auto-generate a report file listing all the colleagues due for renewal.

Craig Eves
Re: Manager email / notification digest
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年07月18日 Thursday 18:28
小组 Totara

Hi Sam

It is possible to set the default delivery channel for the certification expiry notifications so that an email isn't sent but a site notification is sent or Alert.

Then each manager that wants to receive each notification (has 1 to 5 staff) can Override this in their notification preferences so the email is received

The notification will still be visible in the Totara through the bell icon and all can be marked as read if required


Re: Manager email / notification digest
WoodSam 发表于 2024年07月19日 Friday 03:10

Hi Craig,

Many thanks for your information. That is really useful and great to know.

However, it doesn't provide the solution, moreso it creates a barrier and more work for those that do want the notifications. As no email is generated, they won't be aware of the notification unless they go onto the site. If they are not prompted, they may not log in.


Craig Eves
Re: Manager email / notification digest
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年07月21日 Sunday 16:13
小组 Totara

Hi Sam

We do have a feature request for Notification digest TL-21477 but this has been assigned a low priority . Adding your support through a Totara idea would help with increasing the priority .

Another idea is to create a scheduled report based on the Certification Completion report with a filter based on the Red - amber - green status on a scheduled basis.

The Content tab should have the Show by user > Records for direct reports for any of the users job assignments so the managers staff would be included..


Re: Manager email / notification digest
WoodSam 发表于 2024年07月22日 Monday 01:16

Hi Craig.

Thank you for the link to the request. I will have a look at that and add my support.

The scheduled report certainly sounds like that could be explored. We are making use of the reporting feature by request, by haven't looked at making it scheduled.
