Totara Learn Open Discussions

Quiz Randomization for learners and attempts

Quiz Randomization for learners and attempts
PRICEleandra 发表于 2024年07月29日 Monday 10:56

I am creating a proficiency exam for my learners. Is it possible to have 60 questions get randomly pulled from my question banks and be different for each learner and attempt?

Craig Eves
Re: Quiz Randomization for learners and attempts
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年07月29日 Monday 16:42
小组 Totara

Hi Leandra

I can't see any quiz settings to avoid duplication of random questions between attempts or users - the question selection is random among the question category they are coming from.


Re: Quiz Randomization for learners and attempts
PRICEleandra 发表于 2024年08月6日 Tuesday 05:27

Great thanks! I guess I did not see that if you click on the random question for each category, that it will show up different for each attempt/user.

But looks like it will be different, so that is good. As I have 80 questions and want only 60 for the exam, but to show up randomly for each attempt/user.