Totara Learn Open Discussions

Program Overview report

Nana Jones
Program Overview report
by Nana Jones - Sunday, 4 August 2024, 5:51 PM

Hi there,

Are there any plans to update the Program Overview report that lists each course in the program on a separate row? It's currently hard to manipulate the data in Excel when exported as the course name, completion status completion status, etc is not separated.

If there is none, are there any ways/tips on how others have been able to separate the data out into separate lines in Excel?

Craig Eves
Re: Program Overview report
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 6 August 2024, 8:46 PM
Group Totara

Hi Nana

I can't think of a way in Totara to change the format of the file exported

The file that is exported contains line breaks character between the courses so they appear in same row but new line in Excel.

There are tools and formulas in Excel. Excel comes with a tool Power Query - available in the Data > Get Data menu in Excel

There is a split column by delimiter option using special character linefeed option

that should create a row for each linefeed


Daniel Bond
Re: Program Overview report
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 7 August 2024, 1:06 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023

We only use that report to list which courses are associated with programs / certifications, but the workflow I use is:

  • Export to Excel

  • Copy and paste the list of courses into Word

  • Find and replace to remove all speech marks

  • Copy and paste back into Excel (at which point, each new line is a new cell)

Not perfect, but it's relatively quick and easy (assuming you don't have any courses with speech marks in the title…)