Totara Learn Open Discussions

schedule specific course report

Muhammad Jamil
schedule specific course report
by Muhammad Jamil - Monday, 19 August 2024, 6:19 AM

Hi All,
We have different course creators in the organisation and I want to schedule the specific report to individual course creators. In fact, I want each course creator receive their own courses reports. Is there any option to schedule such reports to respective course creators?



Jason Best
Re: schedule specific course report
by Jason Best - Monday, 19 August 2024, 7:03 AM
Group Totara

Hi Muhammad, I think this is what you meant. See

Muhammad Jamil
Re: schedule specific course report
by Muhammad Jamil - Monday, 19 August 2024, 10:11 AM

Hi Jason,

Thank you for the video guide.

It looks like if I schedule course completion report for all data probably it will send the report of all trainings instead of specific training which I want to share the report with specific course creator. I am afraid it will be privacy breach if course creator receive the reports for other courses which he/she did not create.

My requirement is, course creator receive the report for his/her course which he/she created.



Jane Warwick
Re: schedule specific course report
by Jane Warwick - Monday, 19 August 2024, 3:12 PM

Hi Muhammad

We use course custom fields to add a course owner / manager fields.

My understanding is that you then need to get those added to your report source to then add them as a filter on a report. You can then save a search based on those filters and schedule each saved search to go to a separate course owner.

If you don't want to add a custom field, in some cases we also use a code in the Course ID number field for specific groups of courses. This should already be available on your course completion reports. You could add a code for each course owner or course group.

Let me know if you have any questions



Jason Best
Re: schedule specific course report
by Jason Best - Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 1:18 AM
Group Totara

Hi Muhammad, as an admin you can do a save search on the report for each course owner and then select the courses they've created for the scheduled report. See

Jane Warwick
Re: schedule specific course report
by Jane Warwick - Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 12:57 PM

Oh that's useful, it is not available in v12 but looking forward to getting it in our upgrade soon! Will save a lot of workarounds