Totara Learn Open Discussions

Line Manager Enrolment

Catherine Palmer
Line Manager Enrolment
di Catherine Palmer - Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 04:44

Hi everyone,

We want line managers to be able to assign members of their team to a course or seminar without the member of staff having to sign up for it. We have looked at a couple of different things but nothing seems to quite meet our needs. Has anyone tried to do something similar? I should add that the line manager may or may not need to do the courses themselves, so they may or may not be enrolled.

Lee Cooper
Re: Line Manager Enrolment
di Lee Cooper - Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 05:22
Gruppo TotaraGruppo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Catherine

For Seminar, a line manager can do this, but you may need to tweak some settings. There is a help page on the Totara Help site that covers just this scenario. Have a look here

Let me see if there is a way to do this with non-seminar courses and get back to you



Catherine Palmer
Re: Line Manager Enrolment
di Catherine Palmer - Thursday, 22 August 2024, 08:32

Hi Lee,

I have had a look at the permissions link, but I cannot see how managers would be able to allocate places without being enrolled on the course themselves?