Totara Learn Open Discussions

Manager View

Maren Heldt
Manager View
by Maren Heldt - Monday, 26 August 2024, 2:01 AM

Hi All,

How can we have managers see the bookings of their people. Booked events and also waitlisted courses without a specific date.

Also how can learners see their signups to waitlists? We currently only see "my bookings" for a specific date.



Craig Eves
Re: Manager View
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 26 August 2024, 1:58 PM
Group Totara

Hi Maren

Under the Develop > Team menu the manager should see information on their staff including a link Bookings that should show the Future and Past Booking of the staff member.

The waitlisted event doesn't show in the my bookings area until there is a date. The waitlisted event will show on the course page Event list for the waitlisted users.


Maren Heldt
Re: Manager View
by Maren Heldt - Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 2:36 AM

Hi Craig, thanks for your reply.
We don´t seem to have "Develop" in the manager menu. Managers approve the request to be booked or waitlisted in a course, and then they don´t see the courses anymore of their staff members..

We have it set up in a way that all employees are enrolled to all our classroom courses (that are 1-3 days f2f classroom courses) so they can see the details and don´t need to enroll manually to just read the information of the training course.
Our managers now have a long list of all the courses their people are enrolled on but not the once where they have actually registered for.

I hope I am making sense with my explanations 😉


Craig Eves
Re: Manager View
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 2:33 PM
Group Totara

Hi Maren

The address of the team page is 'your site name'/my/teammembers.php which should give access to the Team page that summarises activity of staff and has links to their learning elements including bookings that should show the seminars their staff have booked on.

You can also add this to the main menu or perhaps add the Team block to the dashboard.


Maren Heldt
Re: Manager View
by Maren Heldt - Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 12:14 AM

Hi Craig,
Thanks - that is exactly what we are looking for.
We have the team overview but we are missing the hyperlinks for the employees under their profile picture/name. We must be missing a setting there or could there any other reason for this?
We only have LEARN, so it will be actually the bookings we are interested in.


Neil Hellewell
Re: Manager View
by Neil Hellewell - Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 1:45 PM

Kia Ora Maren

To make it easier for our Managers, we have created a custom report that displays all seminar events for staff in one place, which can be filtered by date or status if needed.

We have also added the link to approval requests - that has proved popular with Managers as they can see who is awaiting approval for a session and navigate directly to the approval tab.

We are on Totara Learn v15

Jane Warwick
Re: Manager View
by Jane Warwick - Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 9:21 PM

This is great, thank you for sharing Neil

Maren Heldt
Re: Manager View
by Maren Heldt - Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 12:59 AM

Hi Neil,
Thank you for sharing.
For some reason we cannot chose and limit the audience in our custom report so that managers only get to see their people. (See screenshot)
How did you do that? Also how did you get the link to the open approval requests. This is very useful and we would love to add that as well.

Thank you 🙂

Neil Hellewell
Re: Manager View
by Neil Hellewell - Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 2:21 PM

Hi Maren

We are on Totara Learn Ver 15, and the report source is - Seminar Sign-ups.

It looks like you may not have full access to creating a report

Who is included (content tab)

Report access given to Staff manager

And the approval option column is called Link to approval requests

Our version of Totara is pretty 'vanilla' so you should have these options if you have the permission to create User Reports. Unsure if you are a tenancy that would make a difference - may be worth having a quick chat to your Totara partner if you can't see what you would expect to see in the report building section.

Hope this helps

Ngā Mihi


Maren Heldt
Re: Manager View
by Maren Heldt - Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:28 PM

Hi Neil,

Thank you for your detailed answer - that really helps and is much appreciated.

Best regards from Switzerland,
