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Due by Date - Exceptions - Solution Check

Due by Date - Exceptions - Solution Check
WallaceDavid 发表于 2024年09月10日 Tuesday 01:20

Really just want to check on my thinking for this solution to an issue we just experienced.

We have a few long-standing Certifications (since Oct 2023) with no Due by Date assigned. 

Audience (A) assigned to Certification is All Staff (7000+) and assigned when they first get added to platform via HR Import. 

Need to add Due by Date (3 months after enrollment), which will result in people who were enrolled in the past being assigned an unworkable Due by Date (i.e. in the past). Will obviously cause Exceptions (3500+). 

Override of Exceptions will have realistic Due by Dates applied (i.e. in the future), but it will not distinguish between those who have and have not completed the associated Course (which I still find weird). 

Notifications that they have been assigned and must complete by this Due by Date will be sent to all those Exception users. The users who have completed the associated Course who receive the notifications will be confused and it will result in lots of irate e-mails (LOTS!). 

To avoid this, I am now planning to not apply Due by Date to original audience (A) for the other Certifications and rather create a new audience (B) for each Certification which only picks up members of the original audience (A) that have not completed the associated Course. Then apply the Due by Date to the new audience (B), so it only sends the notifications to those who have not completed the associated Course. 

Is this likely to cause any issues? Have I missed a simpler solution?

Craig Eves
Re: Due by Date - Exceptions - Solution Check
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年09月10日 Tuesday 19:44
小组 Totara

Hi David

In theory the use of different audiences for setting due dates and completion of course to select users for notifications sounds a good workaround.

Not sure if a simpler workaround is possible as don't have practical experience - possibly using bulk user actions to send messages to an audience or filtered users


Re: Due by Date - Exceptions - Solution Check
WallaceDavid 发表于 2024年09月12日 Thursday 05:58

Many thanks Craig, just needed that final outside voice to confirm my thinking wasn't complete off target.