Totara Learn Open Discussions

Users can't access learning plans

Alexander Schrag
Users can't access learning plans
על ידי Alexander Schrag בתאריך 8/01/2025, 04:12
קבוצה Partners

Hello everyone,

We are trying to implement learning plans into our Totara system.

The problem is that apparently, certain members don't have the rights to access them. When I log in as a certain user, the option for learning plans isn't visible under "Learning" (1 in Screenshot). When I try to access them via the dashboard, there's an error saying that I'm lacking the necessary permissions to access them (2 in Screenshot).

While most users have this problem, some, however, don't and are capable of accessing their learning plans. This is very confusing since neither of them have admin rights. I've tried enabling the permission for learners to access plans, but this didn't work though.

Is this a common issue or is there an error in my Totara configuration? My suspicion is that some members have a role that doesn't include the permissions to access learning plans. How do I see the role a user has in my system? Is it true that the capability for learning plans is called totara/plan:accessplan?

Thank you.

Craig Eves
Re: Users can't access learning plans
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 9/01/2025, 17:13
קבוצה Totara

Hi Alexander

By default any authenticated user should be able to create a new learning plan from the link in the My learning block.

It is possible to se the permissions for a user through Permissions > Check system permissions and selecting the use rand Show this user's permission and filtering and then filtering by plan. Access plan and Select plan template should be showing as Allowed


Alexander Schrag
Re: Users can't access learning plans
על ידי Alexander Schrag בתאריך 13/01/2025, 06:10
קבוצה Partners

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your response.

I have compared the two roles authenticated user (authentifizierte Nutzer:in) and learner (Lerner:in) in Screenshot 1. As you mentioned, the permissions for authenticated users are set. Could the issue stem from the fact that these permissions aren't set for learners? When a user joins a course, don't they become a learner, which might conflict with their prior permissions as authenticated users? I have also tried setting the permissions for learners (visible in Screenshot 3), but to no avail. The configuration of standard roles is visible in Screenshot 2.