Totara Learn Open Discussions

Question Tags

Stephen Catton
Question Tags
by Stephen Catton - Friday, 10 January 2025, 4:18 AM

Hello folks

Forgive me if i have already asked this.

Is there a report that can produce a list of questions using TAGs or Question bank categories?

In the newer versions of Moodle, it is possible to search by TAG when building a Quiz.

We have many 1000s of questions in many hundreds of quizzes and need a better way to manage them.



Craig Eves
Re: Question Tags
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 26 January 2025, 5:40 PM
Group Totara

Hi Stephen

Although tags are available for quiz questions there isn't a way to report on these or select question in the question bank with specific tags.

Question categories/subcategories are used to organise questions for selection in the question bank but difficult to manage if there are thousands of questions/categories.

Maybe exporting the quiz into another format such as GIFT or XML and manipulating with an editor to produce a report per category may help to manage the questions.


Stephen Catton
Re: Question Tags
by Stephen Catton - Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 6:33 AM

Hi Craig

Thanks for your reply. I think that we are a bit unusual in the number of questions we have.

I work in the vehicle repair industry and we provide online and face-to-face training for apprentices and commercial CPD. I have over 41,000 visible questions organised in categories according to my 'best guess' on topic and difficulty level. I am adding TAGs on the hope that at some time the search feature that is in Moodle will appear in Totara. Many questions use images and some have videos uploaded to them.

What I would find useful is for staff, who I don't want to give access to the question banks, to be able to run a report to identify questions based on topic, discipline, type of question and difficulty level using TAGs.

