Totara Learn Open Discussions

HTML files force downloaded / blank content

Filip Wu
HTML files force downloaded / blank content
על ידי Filip Wu בתאריך 5/02/2025, 05:15

Hi community,

I'm having problems in opening html files in a course. I tried to upload a html file via a file resource item, but no matter how I have the Appearance-Display set to 'Embed', 'Open', or 'In pop-up', the html file always gets downloaded automatically, and all I can see is a blank box / pop-up window.

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue before?

Best regards,


Craig Eves
Re: HTML files force downloaded / blank content
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 11/02/2025, 17:36
קבוצה Totara

Hi Filip

For security reasons, the ability to embed advanced HTML in Totara has been removed by default see for more details
