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Best Config for Use Case

Best Config for Use Case
KapadiaDhairya 发表于 2025年02月5日 Wednesday 05:37
小组 Good learner 2024小组 Partners

Hi team, I was wondering what the best use case for the below scenario would be?

WoodpeckerBurgers factories in San Diego, Houston, and Denver. The factories have 200, 80, and 310 employees each.

As the Supervisor (named Mike) for Line 5 at the Houston facility, I supervise 30 workers assembling burritos for our frozen meals. I need to create a learning plan (program) for my department that includes a course on Hearing Protection, a course on Properly Wearing PPE, and a course on Back Safety. The program has a start date of January 1, 2025, and a due date of February 15, 2025. This program should automatically restart on January 1, 2026, as this training is required annually.

I need to run reports that answer the following questions: What is the status of each of my employees regarding the completion of this program? Which employees have completed it, which are In Progress, and which have Not Started? Additionally, for employees In Progress, which courses have they completed or started, and which ones have Not Started?

I should only be able to view and access data for my employees in the Totara system.

i was thinking of woodpecker burgers as one tenant. san diego, houston and denver as different organisations.
all users with worker in their job position and mike as supervisor.

however i got stuck with assigning mike as a supervisor for them. i can't seem to do it on an audience basis. and how do i fine tune the access ?

is the structure i identified correct? or do you recommend having san diego, houston, denver as seperate tenants and then trying to work around through it? or anything else? i request your detailed feedback on the same!

also i could not find the correct recertification option that would help me for the same.

Craig Eves
Re: Best Config for Use Case
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2025年02月11日 Tuesday 17:54
小组 Totara

Hi Dhairya

i don't think you need a tenant structure as reports for course completion can be setup to only display the direct or indirect reports for the user viewing the report.

Have a look at the report source 'Manager course completion status overview' and the Content tab on how to restrict the display of records based on the user viewing the report.

Managers can be assigned to users manually through the profile and job assignment or through importing a file with job assignments
