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What is a Talent Experience Platform? Latest version

Your new world of work

Competencies in Totara Perform V17-18 Latest version

Mapping and assessing your organisation’s skills

Audiences V14-18 Latest version

Grouping your users to provide a personalised learning experience

Appraisals V18 Latest version

Evidence-based reviews as part of modern performance management

Notifications V17-18 Latest version

Making sure your users know what to do and when to do it

Evidence V14-18 Latest version

Uploading proof of skills and achievement

Reports V13-V18 Latest version

Building, sharing and scheduling your own reports

Introduction to continuous performance management Latest version

Modernising your organisation’s approach to performance management

Goals V17

Setting and managing company and personal goals

Totara for beginners V15-17

Introducing your new Talent Experience Platform

Dashboards and basic theming V14-17

Branding and personalising your site

Multitenancy in Totara V14-17

Supporting an extended enterprise structure

Managing your 360 feedback with Totara Perform V17

Accessing valuable performance management insights

Appraisals in Totara Perform V17

Evidence-based reviews as part of modern performance management

Running successful check-ins V17

Generating regular support and business insight