Best practice forum (Archived)

The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?

Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
par George Angus, Tuesday 24 May 2016, 17:09
Groupe Totara
Hi Mei,

Thanks for the info. I replicated in 2712, then tried it in 2715 - success! TL-8247 fixes the issue, an upgrade to 2715 will resolve (this was the related issue I mentioned earlier).

" TL-8247        Fixed missing history records when not overriding the current record during a course completion import

                   Previously if you ticked the override checkbox when uploading course

                   completions, but the most recent completion date in the upload was less

                   than the current completion date in an existing record, the upload would

                   ignore the first record and move straight on to the next one. That first

                   record is now placed into history instead."

