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The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?

Wen Hao Chuang
The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 25/03/2015, 14:42

We are running

I just noticed that under the Courses -> Upload Completion Records, the UI has a "Override current course completions" checkbox. However, I just tested it, and it didn't seem to be working. I assume that if you have some users who already completed this course before, and you checked that checkbox, after the CSV upload, those users will now be marked as "completed via rpl," no?

If this is not the case, what's the expected behavior for this checkbox? Thanks!

? ?
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 25/03/2015, 15:19

Hi Wen,


I think this is how it is supposed to work:

If the course already has a completion date and you upload a file with a different completion date:

1) If the date in the upload file is older than the existing completion date the uploaded date will be entered into the completion history table

2) If it is newer than the existing completion date (which may be empty if the user is enrolled but has not actually done anything on the course) then

a) if the override checkbox is checked, then the completion date will be REPLACED with the uploaded date

b) if the override checkbox is unchecked, the uploaded date will be ignored.


So completion uploads should really be used for people who have actually taken that actual course in the past - RPL was originally intended as a way to mark courses taken in other organisations that are recognised as being equivalent, so the learner is given credit and does not have to do that particular course again.

Wen Hao Chuang
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 25/03/2015, 15:47

Hi Ciaran, thanks so much for the promptly reply! I really appreciate that and this is very helpful!

So, it sounds like if the override checkbox is checked, only the "completion date" will be REPLACED with the uploaded date, but not the original completion status (e.g. continue to show "complete" instead of changing to "complete via rpl"). Is this correct?

Thanks again!

Wen Hao Chuang
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 25/03/2015, 16:07

By the way, I just did a quick test on again. When the "Override current course completions" checkbox is checked, I don't think it's really replacing the original "completion date" with the uploaded date. Maybe this behavior was changed in later version of Totara? Could you please verify this? Thanks!

Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 25/03/2015, 20:59
קבוצה Totara

Hi Wen,

It worked in 25.25 - can you tell me what dates you are using and what you are seeing?



Craig Eves
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 26/03/2015, 14:03
קבוצה Totara

Hi Wen

I have just reported a bug in 2.6 with the uploading of completion records and override settings.

It appears that the latest completion date in the completion import is not always overriding the existing completion date.

The dates appear to be alphabetically sorted so a date 11 March 15 is recognised as being before 12 March 14 so doesn't override the earlier date. I will let you know of progress on this.


Wen Hao Chuang
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 27/03/2015, 14:32

Craig, thanks for the info! :)

? ?
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 18/05/2016, 21:57

Hi we are using v2.7.12 and this override current course completions checkbox does not seem to work. Has the bug been fixed as we want to find out how to rectify the wrong data from bulk upload.

Thank you,

Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 19/05/2016, 15:47
קבוצה Totara

Hi Mei,

Can you ask your Totara partner to submit a Support ticket for this and we will look into it in? If you could provide as much detail as possible that would be very helpful. We do have a fix for what appears to be a related issue, which will be released next week, but we'd need to know more detail to confirm.



? ?
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 19/05/2016, 22:30

Hi George,

I think I figured out why. According to Ciaran above, when the uploaded completion date is older than the existing completion date it writes to the history table. And hence I think it will not update the completion date in completion report. Is my understanding correct?

What happened is we bulk uploaded few hundred records with incorrect completion date, and trying to re-upload them doesn't update the completion report if it falls to scenario 1 below. Will be really great if there is a bulk removal tool or if the override works for scenario 1 below too. What are the ways that we can correct these record so they show up in the completion report correctly?

1) If the date in the upload file is older than the existing completion date the uploaded date will be entered into the completion history table

2) If it is newer than the existing completion date (which may be empty if the user is enrolled but has not actually done anything on the course) then

a) if the override checkbox is checked, then the completion date will be REPLACED with the uploaded date

b) if the override checkbox is unchecked, the uploaded date will be ignored.



Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 23/05/2016, 20:47
קבוצה Totara
Hi Mei,

Can you upgrade to the latest version 2.9.7? Can you test the Course Completion Including History report source, and have a look at the Course Import Report and tell me exactly what is happening? 



? ?
Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 23/05/2016, 23:13

Hi see attached. We just upgraded to v 2.7.12 and no plan for upgrade to v2.9.7 at the moment unless a further business case raised that require us to do so. With v.2.7.12 below were the steps for upload completion and verifying the results in record of learning, and course completion (including history) report.

- I used two users and I imported them to to our test systems with a older completion date then what is showing in their record learning. It says update successful.

- Then I went to user's record of learning, the date/grade is not updated

- Then I went to the course completion including history, it showed one record and the uploaded record is not showing either.

Re: The "Override current course completions" checkbox doesn't seem to be working?
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 24/05/2016, 17:09
קבוצה Totara
Hi Mei,

Thanks for the info. I replicated in 2712, then tried it in 2715 - success! TL-8247 fixes the issue, an upgrade to 2715 will resolve (this was the related issue I mentioned earlier).

" TL-8247        Fixed missing history records when not overriding the current record during a course completion import

                   Previously if you ticked the override checkbox when uploading course

                   completions, but the most recent completion date in the upload was less

                   than the current completion date in an existing record, the upload would

                   ignore the first record and move straight on to the next one. That first

                   record is now placed into history instead."

