Best practice forum (Archived)

Uploading Courses

Susan Neumans Van Buren
Uploading Courses
by Susan Neumans Van Buren - Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 1:24 PM

I am attempting to upload courses using a csv file. Of course, I'm able to set the course format to single activity, but I'm not able to set the activity type to face-to-face. It keeps defaulting to SCORM.

I've tried labeling the column as "format_activitytype" and just "activitytype." Neither worked. I've also tried to fill in the the fields for the respective courses with "face-to-face" and "facetoface," but neither of those has worked. I've looked in both the Moodle and Totara help and have been unable to find anything that specifically notes what the header should be or what should be under activity type. Is importing this data even possible or does one have to go into each course to change that? 

Best regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Uploading Courses
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 1:57 PM
Group Totara

Hi Susan

I can't see a fieldname for activitytype in the documentation so don't think it is possible.

It is possible to  base a course on an existing course using the templatecourse field - you could make the template course a course with one face to face activity and use this to create the new courses,


Susan Neumans Van Buren
Re: Uploading Courses
by Susan Neumans Van Buren - Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 5:27 AM

Thank you, Craig! I'll give that a try.