Best practice forum (Archived)


? ?
by ? ? - Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 8:20 AM

Hi All,

I have enrolled a learner to an audeince and assigned that audience to a program.  Within this program is 4 sets with course pages within each set.  They have to complete all courses within the first set before they can access the next set and this continues throughout the program.

If the learner was to search for a course, for example COURSE F, which is in Set 3 of the program and enters that course, would they be directed to go to the program as they may have not completed all previous courses in the previous sets or would they be allowed to complete the individual course?

If they do complete the individual course, will this then show in the Program as that course being completed and how does this effect the 'locked' sets?

Many Thanks

Daniel Bond
Re: Programs
by Daniel Bond - Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 9:02 AM
Group Helpful contributor 2024Group Most helpful contributor 2023


The question as to whether they can enter the course or not depends on how the enrolment plugins (Course Administration > Users > Enrolment Methods) are set up on the course. If the course has the "Self Enrol" plugin active, they will be able to enrol that way and therefore bypass the requirement to complete sets 1 and 2. On the other hand, if only the Program enrolment plugin is active, they won't be able to enrol in the course directly, and will have to complete sets 1 and 2 to access it via set 3.

As an example, this setup would allow learners to enrol via self enrolment or via a program:

As far as I know, if they did complete the course "out of order", it would show as complete in the program, but the actual program wouldn't be marked as complete until all of the 4 sets have been completed.


? ?
Re: Programs
by ? ? - Friday, 31 October 2014, 6:23 AM

Hi Dan,

Thank you for this.

So If I have Program & Managers Approval, then if they search for the course and see it in the catalogue, becuase we have enrolled them onto the program, this will overide the managers approval and they can go in and take the course.  And for those learners who have not been enrolled onto the program but would like to take just the one course they have searced for then managers approval will be the dominant indicator for the leaner and the mail will get sent to the manager for approval.

Is that correct?

Daniel Bond
Re: Programs
by Daniel Bond - Friday, 31 October 2014, 7:04 AM
Group Helpful contributor 2024Group Most helpful contributor 2023

I've not actually tried it, but I would imagine that's how it should work (assuming your enrolment plugins are in the correct order in the course). I would be tempted to try it with a couple of test users (assuming you have some set up) to make sure it works as expected, but that should do the trick.

