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Converting a "Recurring courses" (program) into a (annual) "Recurring" certification?

ChuangWen Hao
Converting a "Recurring courses" (program) into a (annual) "Recurring" certification?
ChuangWen Hao 发表于 2015年02月23日 Monday 12:02

As title, has people done this before? What are the steps involved, and any potential outgoing messages that should be surpressed in advance?

Re: Converting a "Recurring courses" (program) into a (annual) "Recurring" certification?
IrelandTom 发表于 2015年03月6日 Friday 08:04
小组 Totara

Hi, Wen

Have a look at the documentation on our help site regarding Certifications and that will give you a good understanding of how to set them up and configure them prior to assigning any users.

You will be able to configure your certification and re-certification paths, messages and certification expiry and completion options prior to assignment. You can even hide it whilst you're setting everything up. My recommendation would be to set up your Certification first and leave assignments until you're happy with everything set up, then assign users as required and you're done!

I hope that helps!



ChuangWen Hao
Re: Converting a "Recurring courses" (program) into a (annual) "Recurring" certification?
ChuangWen Hao 发表于 2015年03月6日 Friday 11:05

Hi Tom, thanks for trying to help. I really appreciate it.

We had one program that has recurring course setup, but later one we realized that "certifications" might be a better solution (more sustainable), that's why we are considering to convert that program (with recurring course), to "certification" (with annual recurring).

I guess I was asking whether someone had done this before, and whether there is anything that we need to be aware of if we do this type of conversion... Hope this make sense, thanks!