Best practice forum (Archived)

Dynamic audience behavior question

Wen Hao Chuang
Re: Dynamic audience behavior question
بواسطة Friday, 5 June 2015, 8:24 AM - Wen Hao Chuang

Hi Tom,

Yes I think this helps. Thanks!!

Now just off topic for a second (a related question but not the same with my original question)...

With, we noticed that even if the user got dropped at the dynamic audience level (thus, should also unenroll them from the programs or certifications that were using that dynamic audience), they were still showing up in the "certification" completion report.


1. Does this only happen to "certification," or would this also happen in "programs" and "courses" (course completion report) as well?

2. Does this behavior change in the later version of Totara (e.g. any version that is >

Thanks! :)