Best practice forum (Archived)

Conflicts with audience due dates and recertification windows

? ?
Conflicts with audience due dates and recertification windows
di ? ? - Friday, 31 July 2015, 12:38


I have a question regarding certification due dates and how they relate to audience rule sets.

Our situation is as follows:


1. We converted a program into a certificate in April 2015.


2. This newly-created certificate uses the same course content as the program, so we have learners that already completed this course once before and have a completion record.


3. We created a dynamic audience to go with this certificate and gave that audience a completion due date of “within one month of program enrollment date”. We also set up messages for the recertification window opening, 7days/1day reminders, and overdue messages.


4. A few weeks later we started getting exception reports and messages from our students that their training was open for recertification OR they were already overdue for recertification. However, when they looked at their Required Learning tab they couldn’t even see the course yet or the course due date was weeks away.


5. We realized that the audience completion date and the certification completion date were in conflict, so our students that had previously completed the course were now getting the ‘overdue’ messages and seeing either of two things:

        a. they were not seeing the course because the window for recertification had not opened yet

        b. they were getting overdue messages, but when they looked in their “required learning” tab, the due date was not the same as the message


We know the setup of the audience and the recertifications affected the messages and the due dates, so we definitely need to change some things, but I’m not sure  how we can best resolve the issue and get the results we want. Basically we want two things:

1. Students to get messages informing them that their recertification window is open, and warnings for 7 days/1 day reminders, and an overdue message if they have gone over the due date.

2. The due date in question must match the “certificate expiration date”.

I have also attached an image of our certification and audience setup and how it relates to a user's screen (as seen from their Record Learning). I'd really appreciate any advice you can give on how to best set up our audiences ad certifications so we don't keep having this problem.


Many thanks!


Tom Wood
Re: Conflicts with audience due dates and recertification windows
di Tom Wood - Monday, 10 August 2015, 07:08
Gruppo Totara

Hi Patricia,

Thank you for getting in touch with this query and for providing a screen shot to highlight the issue. It is possible that there may be a bug affecting the information being displayed here but to understand the reason for this it would be better if you could re-raise this issue via your partner through the helpdesk.

When you raise this ticket, please ensure you provide the minor version this way we'll be able to ensure that there are no known issues relating to this and will be able to investigate the issue fully.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

Kind Regards

Tom WoodTotara Product Support

? ?
Re: Conflicts with audience due dates and recertification windows
di ? ? - Wednesday, 19 August 2015, 10:43

Thanks for the info Tom!