Best practice forum (Archived)

HR Import Question

HR Import Question
UnneverJohn 发表于 2015年07月21日 Tuesday 09:44
小组 Partners

Is there a way to connect to a different database other than MySQL?  The drop down menu only option is MySQL.  Currently we have an oracle database that we'd like to connect it to.

Re: HR Import Question
UnneverJohn 发表于 2015年07月21日 Tuesday 12:54
小组 Partners

Here is a screen shot of the page with the drop down menu i'm referring to.

Re: HR Import Question
?? 发表于 2015年07月21日 Tuesday 13:10


I would check to see what drivers are available with your php installation on that server first. Under the server phpinfo page there should be a driver for Oracle. If not than one will have to be installed on the server where you are running this. Instructions for that would be operating system specific, but here is a place I would start.


Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Re: HR Import Question
EnglandRussell 发表于 2015年07月21日 Tuesday 23:48

As Galin mentioned, you will need the Oracle driver installed on the same server as Totara. There are some instructions here -

In addition, I had to make some minor changes to the core code in Totara sync, mainly in the form validation I think. I will have a look for them later and forward them.