Best practice forum (Archived)

Minimum time needed for a certification?

? ?
Minimum time needed for a certification?
door ? ? - Friday, 4 September 2015, 11:27 AM

Hi folks,

I've been doing some certification testing on Totara v. 2.5.30 and was wondering if there is a minimum number of days or months for certifications to stay active before they expire?

I know most certifications are active for a year or more before they need to be taken again, but what if it was a certificate that needed to be retaken every 3- 6 months? Would the certification still work within that shortened time period?

We have some training that would need to be taken every 6 months or so, and in my test scenario I tried to fast-track the behavior by making a certification expire after only one week, but that didn't go so well (still shows as not due for renewal even though the cert should be expired by now) so I was wondering if there was a minimum timeframe required.

Your insight and guidance is appreciated!


Re: Minimum time needed for a certification?
door George Angus - Monday, 7 September 2015, 21:39 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Trish,

Any period should be fine. Did you remember to run cron? 



? ?
Re: Minimum time needed for a certification?
door ? ? - Monday, 21 September 2015, 15:39 PM

Hi George,

Thanks for your time. Yes, we are running cron and it performs fine, however we are still having an issue with the way the certs are displaying.

On the test cert I have, I created the cert to be active for 7 days, and for the recertification window to open 3 days prior to the end of the certification period. Here's the issue I'm seeing:

1. In the Certification Report, the record shows as not being due for renewal:

2. And when I am logged in as the user I don't see the cert in my Required Learning page:

3. When I go into the Record of Learning, I see the course is there and I should complete it, but when I go into the course itself, the course still shows as complete so I can't do any of the activities.


Based on my parameters for the re-certification period (see below), shouldn't the cert then show in my Req. Learning and be available for re-certification? Any insight into this behavior would be appreciated!

Re: Minimum time needed for a certification?
door George Angus - Monday, 21 September 2015, 16:43 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Trish,

I think this needs deeper investigation - can you ask your Totara Partner to submit a ticket to our Helpdesk - on the face of it we suspect there may be a related cron issue, but obviouly we will have to look into it.



? ?
Re: Minimum time needed for a certification?
door ? ? - Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 10:27 AM

Thanks George I will do that!