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timeenrolled is "later" than timecompleted in mdl_course_completions table issue

Wen Hao Chuang
timeenrolled is "later" than timecompleted in mdl_course_completions table issue
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 10/12/2015, 13:37

Hi, thanks for reading this question. We are running 2.5.30.

In the mdl_course_completions table, we found that we have quite a few records that timeenrolled > timecompleted, in the mdl_course_completions table. Just wondering what scenario would cause this to happen?

Here is the query that we used (with ad-hoc database queries plugin):

select cc.userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.username, cc.course, co.fullname, from_unixtime(cc.timeenrolled), from_unixtime(cc.timecompleted)
from prefix_course_completions cc, prefix_user u, prefix_course co
where cc.userid = and cc.course = and
timeenrolled > timecompleted
order by userid, course

What's even more interesting is that when we "login as" some of these users, under their "Record of Learning => Programs", we are seeing another different "Start date" (which is not the same with the timeenrolled):


In the above case, with the same user, this is what the report looks like:

Any idea how/why this would happen? By the way, which table does Totara 2.5 pull the "Start date" from? Thanks!

Peter Pappas
Re: timeenrolled is "later" than timecompleted in mdl_course_completions table issue
על ידי Peter Pappas בתאריך 13/12/2015, 19:48

Hi Wen,

Isn't the Start Date the Course start date (taken from the course settings) and the date started is the date the learner started the course?


Wen Hao Chuang
Re: timeenrolled is "later" than timecompleted in mdl_course_completions table issue
על ידי Wen Hao Chuang בתאריך 14/12/2015, 10:37

Hi Peter,

I don't think that "Start date" is taken from the course setting, see the following screenshot:

Re: timeenrolled is "later" than timecompleted in mdl_course_completions table issue
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 14/12/2015, 14:05
קבוצה Totara

Hi Wen,

How is the user being enrolled? Is the course part of a certification? Has the user been unenrolled previously? Can I see the completion tracking settings?

