Best practice forum (Archived)

Anyone done any UI level of customization to enhance user experience?

Wen Hao Chuang
Anyone done any UI level of customization to enhance user experience?
بواسطة Thursday, 21 January 2016, 10:48 AM - Wen Hao Chuang

As title, just curious if anyone here:

1. Had found any UI level of issues or pain points (especially for learners and trainers), and

2. Had worked with your partner to do any UI level of customization to improve user experience?

If so, could you please share your experience with the community? Thanks!

Let me start with one example:

We installed the 3rd party "checklist" plugin, but found the plugin does not work well with a global institution like ours (with 20+ trainers, and 1200+ learners). So we worked with our partner to implement a "filter" (based on user's organization ID, site, etc.) so that our trainers can easily locate the learners that they are responsible for to check off their offline "hands-on" activities, etc.