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Time / Date format stored in Appraisal Tables?

John Unnever
Time / Date format stored in Appraisal Tables?
بواسطة Tuesday, 2 February 2016, 11:08 AM - John Unnever
مجموعة Partners


Just curious if anyone can tell me what format some of the date / time fields are using in the mdl_appraisal* tables?  For instance, in mdl_appraisal the 'timestarted' column has a value of '1448397341' .  

Is there any way to get this column data into a more human readable format by default so we don't have to manipulate it after the fact?


Floyd Saner
Re: Time / Date format stored in Appraisal Tables?
بواسطة Tuesday, 2 February 2016, 11:33 AM - Floyd Saner


The data format is Unix time - very commonly used in database systems. There is a conversion command in SQL, FROM_UNIXTIME, see
