Best practice forum (Archived)

Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date

? ?
Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by ? ? - Tuesday, 1 March 2016, 2:40 AM

I’ve created an additional profile field to add a date; however when I do a CSV file upload the date field is not updating to the correct date.  It was showing the 1st Jan 1970.  I have updated the year start date and now it’s just displaying the 1st of Jan 2016. 

I have added the correct column title ‘profile_field_RNLED’ and my other custom fields are working correctly. The CSV file uploads without any errors.


There is a similar bug in moodle that seems to have been resolved.


Any help would be very welcome.



Lenka Kolesarova
Re: Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by Lenka Kolesarova - Tuesday, 1 March 2016, 5:03 AM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Stephen,

the format for the date/time field which is working for uploading users via CSV in Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users is YYYY-MM-DD, as suggested in the Moodle tracker issue

Totara documentation concerning this is wrong, at the very bottom of this page it says:

"Uploading Date Field
When uploading a custom field which is a Date/Time field, be sure not to include an apostrophe (') or dashes (-). For example, 2004-12-01 should be entered in the .csv upload file as 2004 12 01."

But the suggested format  YYYY MM DD for the date/time field does NOT work, it results in the date always showing as 1st Jan 1970.


Re: Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by George Angus - Tuesday, 1 March 2016, 5:42 PM
Group Totara

Hi folks,

First of all the link is to the old helpsite, and I agree that the advice there is wrong.  There is something here in the new Helpsite, but it doesn't mention the format of the custom date field, however I didnt have any problems provided entered the date in the same format I defined for the column. Can I ask what version you are using and what date format is being used too?



? ?
Re: Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by ? ? - Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 12:50 AM

Hi George,

I am using version 2.9, if I use the formatting,  YYYY-MM-DD  then it works fine.  I was following the formatting information on the old site that says not to include an apostrophe (') or dashes (-).



Lenka Kolesarova
Re: Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by Lenka Kolesarova - Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 2:37 AM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Goerge,

I have tested this both in Totara 2.9 and 2.7 (which the documentation is for), with the same problem. The format with dashes works, but without dashes does not.



? ?
Re: Custom Date/time field displaying incorrect date
by ? ? - Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 6:05 AM

Hi all,

Have you tried setting the date format under Site administration > Location > Location settings > CSV Import date format ?

By default it expects date fields to be in the format d/m/Y (i.e. 21/03/2012)

