Best practice forum (Archived)

What report does Record of Learning page use?

John Unnever
What report does Record of Learning page use?
by John Unnever - Thursday, 17 March 2016, 7:27 AM
Group Partners

Hello there,

I'm creating a learning history record on the back end via some custom code and sql and it's not showing up in the "Record of Learning" page.   So i'm trying to figure out what report builder report that page uses to display that information and if possible try to locate the report source so i can see what tables / columns it's looking at too.   Can someone help me?

I've created a record in the mdl_course_completions table thinking that would be the one, but apparently it is not  :)


Re: What report does Record of Learning page use?
by George Angus - Thursday, 17 March 2016, 8:38 PM
Group Totara

Hi John,

If you go to YOUR TOTARA/totara/reportbuilder/index.php and check out the Embedded Reports you can see there.

