Best practice forum (Archived)

Security Req - New User Account - Email Notification

John Unnever
Re: Security Req - New User Account - Email Notification
بواسطة Friday, 17 June 2016, 2:18 PM - John Unnever
مجموعة Partners

To everyone who has helped me here, thank you.  Just wanted to share what I did to satisfy our security requirement to have the user and pw sent in two separate emails.  First i modified the text in the language pack for the 'newusernewpasswordtext' entry to remove the username information..  and then i did the following.


I modified       function setnew_password_and_mail    in    /lib/moodlelib.php.  

I added 3 lines of code before the return statement.

//****CUSTOM CODE**********************************************************

$newUserSubject = "Welcome to Totara";
$newUserMessage = "Your username for Totara is " . $user->username;
email_to_user($user, $supportuser, $newUserSubject, $newUserMessage);

return email_to_user($user, $supportuser, $subject, $message);


I know you don't recommend modifying the code, but this was a "show stopper" if we didn't have this working and it was a simple enough change to where it will be easy to test as updates come out.