Best practice forum (Archived)

Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?

John Unnever
Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by John Unnever - Thursday, 19 May 2016, 12:48 PM
Group Partners

Trying to run the HR Import on one of our environments and we are now seeing this error.  Anyone seen this before?


Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by George Angus - Thursday, 19 May 2016, 9:36 PM
Group Totara

Hi John,

This looks like a table in the db has been deleted - can you check in Notifications and if there is anything there?



John Unnever
Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by John Unnever - Friday, 20 May 2016, 7:14 AM
Group Partners

What table should I look to see if it's been deleted?   Also, when you say check in notifications, which notifications are you referring to?

Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by George Angus - Sunday, 22 May 2016, 8:22 PM
Group Totara

Hi John,

Sorry John - this is what's happening - Totara cannot find the Totara Sync Log report source: admin/tool/totara_sync/rb_sources/rb_source_totara_sync_log.php

Can you check if its there? Are there any other missing files? Was there something which was done to this install which wasn't done to the others?



John Unnever
Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by John Unnever - Monday, 23 May 2016, 8:25 AM
Group Partners

Hi George, 

Yes, this file is there.  It has  -RW-R--R-- permissions and is owned by the correct user account that runs the application.   It appears that it is the same setup as our other environments.


William Ellis
Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by William Ellis - Tuesday, 24 May 2016, 1:47 AM

Hello John and George

Sorry for juming in here but I'm sure I've seen this same error.

We had it whenever the csv headings for profiles in the database didn't match what were required.

For us we needed to add a column in the csv for timemodified and set it to 0 unless we needed to update on the same day then it increments by +1.

We also have 'deleted' and 'password' which are both set as 0.

Sorry if this is no help but I spent a lot of time geting these kind of messages and trying lots of things :-)

Good Luck


Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by George Angus - Tuesday, 24 May 2016, 1:56 PM
Group Totara

Hi William,

Im pretty sure this is a simple error due to the format of the input CSV rather than a problem with the sync log. If you see the error again can you take a screenshot and have your Totara Partner submit a Support ticket.



William Ellis
Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by William Ellis - Wednesday, 25 May 2016, 2:47 AM

Hello George

You're absolutely right, it was down to that.

I thought that maybe John was having the same problem but it seems its technical instead :-)



Re: Exception - Totara_sync_log not found ?
by George Angus - Tuesday, 24 May 2016, 1:57 PM
Group Totara

Hi John,

This is a Technical Support issue - can you have your partner submit a ticket to our Helpdesk and we will investigate.

