Best practice forum (Archived)

Calendar invites for multi-session F2F getting overwritten in Outlook

? ?
Calendar invites for multi-session F2F getting overwritten in Outlook
di ? ? - Sunday, 5 June 2016, 17:31


One of our clients is experiencing an issue with Calendar invites generated for multi-session F2F workshops; refer details:

- Calendar invites for multi-day sessions are overwritten/updated, losing day 1 invite of a 2-day session.
 - Unable to configure Outlook to prevent the update from occurring
 - This issue appears to be an unfortunate consequence of how Outlook treats recurring invites with the same details (except date/time). And this appears to be default behaviour which can't be deactivated in Outlook

Our suggested workaround was to disable field 'One message per date', but this is not providing the preferred user experience.

Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any workarounds or recommendations?


Craig Eves
Re: Calendar invites for multi-session F2F getting overwritten in Outlook
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 20:12
Gruppo Totara

We haven't been able to find a work around for this - the option to send one email per date is the one to select as Outlook doesn't support multi day events. The problem with this is the evants are considered the same one so the date is updated by the second email attachment.

The bug is TL-9262 and have linked this to this discussion so you will be updated on progress.

Re: Calendar invites for multi-session F2F getting overwritten in Outlook
di George Angus - Monday, 22 August 2016, 16:50
Gruppo Totara


A fix was included in today's release of 2.7.18.

