Best practice forum (Archived)

"recognition of prior learning" activity upload

Kai Niethammer
"recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par Kai Niethammer, Tuesday 7 June 2016, 05:25

Hi all,

is there any way to set "recognition of prior learning" for activities using a batch file upload or something similar? Amount of affected users is around 1000.

Need to merge two courses with identical content into one and would like to Keep history for all users.

Best regards,

Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par George Angus, Tuesday 7 June 2016, 20:29
Groupe Totara

Hi Kai,

Its not possible to upload activity completions as RPL, but its possible to tick manually RPL for each activity in the new course - 1000 is a big number but it is feasible.



Kai Niethammer
Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par Kai Niethammer, Tuesday 7 June 2016, 22:13

Hi George,

thank you for your reply.

1000 users times 15 activities results in 15000 activities that we need to tick manually ... Sounds not too feasible to me :-/

Are there any plan to develop a feature that allows this?


Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par George Angus, Thursday 9 June 2016, 16:52
Groupe Totara

Hi Kai,

We have no plans to develop such a feature. The biggest hurdle to this would be specifying which activity needs to be marked complete. For course completion, courses have a course short name. Activities don't have the same. What if you've got two assignments in one course - how do you specify that this RPL activity completion is for this one and not the other? In the interface, you see the activity name and can click the right one, but you'd have to have some sort of identifier in the csv file. You could use the name/title, but then how do those get from Totara to the other data source and into the csv? It could require a lot of work. 

I think the best solution here is a completion upload, although if you want to keep the history of the users then it would be best to keep the course - its a 100% accurate history.



Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par David Shaw, Wednesday 8 June 2016, 02:03
Hi Kai,

You can't set activity completion directly but you can upload course completions here:


I'm not sure if it sets the activity completed settings but I seem to remember that it defaults all activities required for course completion to be completed on the date of the overall course completion after the cron runs... but I might be wrong.  You would need to test it to make sure.



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Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par David Shaw, Thursday 9 June 2016, 01:29

Hi Nicola,

Looks like you've got them all in a single row.  The file should look like this:




FYI if you already have the courseshortname you don't have to add anything to the courseidnumber column.


Re: "recognition of prior learning" activity upload
par George Angus, Thursday 9 June 2016, 16:57
Groupe Totara

Hi Nicola,

If you are still having problems can you get a copy of the file to me?



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