Best practice forum (Archived)

Account lockout notification?

John Unnever
Account lockout notification?
by John Unnever - Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 8:59 AM
Group Partners

Hello all!

Is there a setting that will provide an on screen notification to the user that they have locked their account after the minimum failed login attempts?

Re: Account lockout notification?
by George Angus - Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 4:08 PM
Group Totara

Hi John,

This isn't possible. The user is sent an email when the limit is exceeded. There are settings for the account lockout observation window, the duration of the lockout and the number of attempts here: YOUR TOTARA/admin/settings.php?section=sitepolicies

There is also link on the login page to have a new password sent.

hope this is useful,
