Best practice forum (Archived)

Webex integration

Kai Niethammer
Webex integration
NiethammerKai 发表于 2016年08月23日 Tuesday 05:32

Hi community,

is anyone out there using Webexas a virtual classroom tool?

If yes I would appreciate is you could share your way of integrating sessions into courses.
I am especially interested in how to track attendance for users ...

Best, Kai

2016年08月24日 Wednesday 00:28
Kai Niethammer
Re: Webex integration
NiethammerKai 发表于 2016年08月24日 Wednesday 03:54


thank you for sharing this.

Our IT had issues with this plugin because is stores information not encrypted which seems to insecure for them. Unfortunately a showstopper for us. :-(

Tried using training center SCORM integration but I cannot get the corresponding activities completed, even if users participated.
