Best practice forum (Archived)

Manager import via HR Import error

? ?
Manager import via HR Import error
di ? ? - Thursday, 15 September 2016, 00:34


I need some assistance importing the Manager links to a learner via the HR import function.  I am actually not sure if this is at all possible!

I have followed the these steps to try an achieve this but I am ending up with a Error "Manager 404 does not exist. Skipped user 466"

1.  I extracted a list of users from the system.  The columns included are idnumber, username, firstname, lastname, email, manageridnumber

2.  I ensured that the users I wanted to update are all flagged for HR Import on the user Maintenance window.

3.  I activated only the user element under Site Administration->HR Import->Elements->Manage Elements

4.  I configured the User element to "Update" under the Allow HR Import actions section.

5.  I configured a source file under Site Administration->HR Import->Sources->user ->CSV with the following columns

6.  I also created a CSV file with the corresponding columns and populated the test import as follows:

idnumber timemodified username deleted firstname lastname email manageridnumber
466 angela01 Angela Bolger 404

7.  The user idnumber comes from the extract done in step 1 above

8.  The Manager idnumber was populated based on another user where I manually allocated the same manager and 404 is the idnumber in the user (manager) in extract in step 1 above. 

9.  I Uploaded the CSV file via the option under Site Administration->HR Import->Sources->user->CSV-> Upload HR import files.

10.  I then ran the option Site Administration->HR Import->Run HR import

11. After the import I received the following error feedback via the HR Import LOG 

IDSort by ID Ascending
Run IDSort by Run ID Ascending
Date/TimeSort by Date/Time Ascending
ElementSort by Element Ascending
Log typeSort by Log type Ascending
ActionSort by Action Ascending
InfoSort by Info Ascending
66515 Sep 2016 at 09:28:23userInfousersyncHR Import started
67515 Sep 2016 at 09:28:26userErrorchecksanityUsername angela01 is already registered. Skipped user 466
68515 Sep 2016 at 09:28:26userErrorchecksanityManager 404 does not exist. Skipped user 466
69515 Sep 2016 at 09:28:27userInfousersyncHR Import finished
I would really appreciate any help to get the manager linked to the selected user.  Any suggestions and alternatives are welcome.

Manually allocation the users is however not an option as there are 3000 learners that need to be allocated to different managers.

Thanking you in advance.



Craig Eves
Re: Manager import via HR Import error
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 15 September 2016, 15:44
Gruppo Totara

Hi Markus

It looks like user 466 is not being updated - check General settings and Allowed HR import actions > Update is ticked. Also include the value of 0 in time modified to force the record to be updated - if the value here is less than the existing value the record isn't updated. 

Hopefully this is also the cause of the second message as idnumber 404 does exist (confirm this by checking the manager profile under Optional fields ID number as there is also a similar field  ID)


? ?
Re: Manager import via HR Import error
di ? ? - Friday, 16 September 2016, 00:14

Thank you Craig for the valuable feedback.

Re: Manager import via HR Import error
di George Angus - Thursday, 15 September 2016, 16:09
Gruppo Totara

Hi Markus,

I've sent you an invite to our ticketing site as you are a Totara Partner. We feel this needs a deeper investigation - would it be possible for you to open a ticket & include screenshots of the User element settings page, the User source settings page, the user and manager profile pages (to make sure the IDNUMBER fields are correct) and a copy of your csv (if it's csv import). Plus Totara version number.

many thanks,


? ?
Re: Manager import via HR Import error
di ? ? - Friday, 16 September 2016, 00:17

Hi George

Thank you for your feedback and inviting me to the helpdesk.

I have looked at Craig's suggestions.  Unfortunately no success yet.  

I have logged a ticket as you suggested with all the relevant attachments. Hopefully all makes sense and we can resolve this issue.

Thank you

 Ticket ID : 5312

? ?
Re: Manager import via HR Import error
di ? ? - Friday, 16 September 2016, 08:40

Hi All

The very helpful Tom on the Totara Helpdesk assisted me to resolve the issue.

The issue that caused my confusion was the use of the System Allocated ID Number (Unique number) and not the User Profile input ID Number.

To get the desired result the import file should look as follows

Where 111 is the Input ID Number for user Angela01 and 710312504....... is the Input ID Number for the Manager.  This will then seem to cross reference back to the internal system id number 466 (Angela01) and internal system id number 404 (Manager)

Thank you 
