I have installed Version 2.9.11 on a test server and it appears using HR Import no longer allows me to import my users in the way that training is managed by our company.
Our organizational structure is such that the manager of learners for a specific organization is done by a person who is not at the top of the organizational tree.
Example is I am the training coordinator for our company. My Boss is the program manager but the changes implemented with 2.9.11 seem to not allow this structure and an error is produced for all users.
I have no issues with HR import on our live server which is running 2.9.10.
I saw there is a discussion in the open community forum but thought it may not be appropriate to discuss this there.
Basically I am looking for a information. Do I need to reposition our training management team to the top of the food chain within the LMS for future releases of Totaralms beyond version 2.9.10.
We do not allow supervisors/managers to manage employee training.
The Manager of employees within the LMS is the training department staff which includes trained employees who may be a direct report of a supervisor outside the training department. This direct report holds a different position and just does training duties as an additional duty to his or her job.
Thank you,