Best practice forum (Archived)

Reseting a program/certification due date for multiple users

Peter Pappas
Reseting a program/certification due date for multiple users
par Peter Pappas, Saturday 6 May 2017, 22:02

The Certification editor is awesome!

One feature that would improve its use for our organization (and maybe others) is an ability to change the due date and window open date for a certification that is set to recur and apply it to a large set of users or all users enrolled in the certification.

One Use case scenario a course that is part of a certification has been significantly changed. Enough so that all users have to retake the course. The course is part of a certification. All users must recertify.

Currently there is the option for "resetting" the certification for multiple users one user at a time but this could involve a significant amount of work for the administrator / site manager.

Organizations with a large population are probably just creating a new certification to capture the "course reset" creating additional (unnecessary?) certifications within the system.

This can also be efficiently done within the database server but it is dangerous for anyone who is not literate on certifications / programs within Totaralms.

Thank you for considering,


Craig Eves
Re: Reseting a program/certification due date for multiple users
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 7 May 2017, 16:45
Groupe Totara

Hi Peter

There is an existing feature TL-9288 Improve Certification editing tool to allow update of multiple records  with discussion that you can add your support for.
