Best practice forum (Archived)

build a custom source for a report

? ?
build a custom source for a report
di ? ? - Tuesday, 16 May 2017, 14:52

Hi folks, 

I'll start with my end goal and then ask my question. 

in my "find Learning" menu I have 2 different types of certifications from different divisions. They are particular in what they call them. one likes 'Certifications' and the other likes 'Annual Training'

the report that these menu items comes from is a certification report. but what if I want to make a custom one that pulls from a step below certifications. basically pull 'Certifications' from certifications/div A, and 'Annual Training' from certifications/div B?

Right now there is only a top level certifications option. it pulls any certification from any branch under. 

if I try and change the course I get thisscreenshot of problem

I know I need to change the source to take into account the course organization but cant find a report source that allows for that? 

Can I build a custom source? Where? 


Craig Eves
Re: build a custom source for a report
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 16 May 2017, 18:07
Gruppo Totara

Hi Nate

I am not sure whether you are wanting Certification info at a user level or Certification level,

It is possible to create/move  Certifications into Course Categories and then filter by course category - so you could have categories for each division.

Let me know if I am not understanding what you want.


? ?
Re: build a custom source for a report
di ? ? - Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 06:49

Thanks Craig,

Yes that is what we have already done. 

I would like to build a report that directly searches one branch or the other from the categories that we have made. 

That way I can build a menu item that searches only certifications in the one branch or the other without users having to define the category. 

If there is an easier way of building that report than making a custom source then Im game for that as well.

I know there are about 8 ways to do every task in Totara so I'm sure I'm picking the hardest way right now. 


? ?
Re: build a custom source for a report
di ? ? - Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 07:14

Doing it by using the link to the certification view I get what I want but with empty headers for all the categories that don't contain any certifications. 

Possibly placing the certs on a very low branch may work. I'll need to get that approved...
