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Totara 9 and Moodle Mobile app

Antonio Basile
Totara 9 and Moodle Mobile app
by Antonio Basile - Thursday, 27 July 2017, 2:12 AM
Group Learn Site AdministratorGroup PartnersGroup V18 Program Complete

Does anybody knows if moodle mobile app still works with Totara 9?
On Totara 2.9 it worked (limited to Moodle functionalities) but now on Totara 9 we are not able to make it work.



Alexander Roche
Re: Totara 9 and Moodle Mobile app
by Alexander Roche - Thursday, 27 July 2017, 2:09 PM
Group Partners

Hi Antonio

We have an app working well for Totara 9 now including increasingly coverage for Totara features as well as the Moodle ones including SCORM SCO player and offline content consumption. Let me know if you are interested :)

Alexander Roche


Totara Platinum Partner, APAC