Hello everyone,
(A bit of cross-posting here, we've asked the same question on the Moodle forums but thought that the Totara group might have ideas too)
We're using Totara to run some accredited assessments, using the Quiz module. We need to set up a single quiz like this:
- Show learner 3 questions from a random pool of 5, and learner has to get 2 of these 3 right
- Show learner 3 questions from another random pool of 5, and learner has to get 2 of these 3 right too.
Random is easy enough. But I can't just set a grade boundary of 66.66% because "3 right from the first set and 1 right from the second set" isn't a pass mark. I'm trying hard not to have to create 2 quizzes because it becomes quite complex navigation for the learner.
Any ideas, anyone?