I am using 2.6.3 and have a query regarding the 'Course > Date Completed' column in the Program Overview report.
I have a test program which contains 5 courses. One of the courses contains 5 x 'Offline Activity' activities and each 'Offline Activity' must be completed (grade to pass) for the entire course to be marked as complete. This all tracks really well from an activity and course perspective within the course itself and also in other course reports such as 'Record of Learning: Courses'.
What I have noticed though in the 'Program Overview' report, the column 'Course > Date Completed' seems to capture the date when only 1 of the activities in the course is complete, which gives the impression that the whole course is complete. Shouldn't this column only update with a date once the entire course is complete i.e. all 5 activities? The 'Course Status' column captures the correct status of 'In Progress'.
I've attached a screen shot of the Program Overview report which details the above - I have to add, I love this report!