Best practice forum (Archived)

Line breaks not showing up in topics

Line breaks not showing up in topics
?? 发表于 2011年04月28日 Thursday 23:24

I noticed after upgrading to Totara v1.0.7 that when i add in extra line breaks to topic summaries, labels, summaries, etc in courses they disapear when the changes are saved.


<h2>Heading 1</h2>
<p>this is paragraph 1 text</p>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<p>this is paragraph 2 text</p>

appears like

Heading 1

this is paragraph 1 text

Heading 2

this is paragraph 2 text

I even tried adding in <br> and <p> tags in the html code, but still doesn't display.

It even hapened when i tried to type it in this forum post. so i replaced the first example with html code...

how can i fix this?

Re: Line breaks not showing up in topics
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年05月3日 Tuesday 14:12
小组 Totara

Hi Ira,

As a temporary fix, it seems if you hit enter, then space, then enter then space it doesn't remove the extra lines:




I will look into what caused this - we recently upgraded the HTML editor to a more recent version which fixed some bugs but seems to have caused some more.


Re: Line breaks not showing up in topics
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年05月9日 Monday 21:54
小组 Totara

We have provided a fix for these issues in version 1.0.10, released today (10th May).

It should fix many of the issues you were seeing with elements being removed from the HTML. Multiple empty paragraphs are still collapsed into a single paragraph but that seems to be a feature of HTML rather than the editor (the multiple paragraphs still exist, they just aren't appearing as such).

We are going to look into more improvements to TinyMCE over the next few weeks.
