Best practice forum (Archived)

Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?

Rickard Skiold
Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 22:08 PM


We'd like to find a way to track learner's feedback responses (i.e., the Moodle Feedback activity) based upon which F2F-activity and session the learner attended. (Without having the learner manually answer to which session/date etc they attended.)

Preferably it should work with the same Feedback for different courses, second best would require one Feedback per course - but still being able to filter/sort per F2F-event (this could be done after export to Excel). 

Any ideas are appreciated.


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? ?
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door ? ? - Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 07:26 AM

When I had looked in to this once, it seemed that one way to achieve this could be by adding logic to the feedback activity which determines which session the user attended automatically. Questions arose about how multiple attended sessions for a user might be handled, how multiple F2F activities in the course should be handled (which F2F activity to link to), and whether any attendance status should be used (probably not) or to only look for fully attended sessions to make the linkage.

In a basic scenario, there could be a configuration option to choose which F2F activity within the course that the feedback should link to. If there is only one F2F activity then it is obvious but perhaps explicitly setting that in the feedback is a good idea.

Options if the user fully attended multiple sessions

a)use most recently attended session

b)link it to all the sessions the user fully attended

c)require multiple feedbacks for each session (maybe not very feasible)


Just some ideas as I remember them from back when I looked in to this.


Steph Wild
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Steph Wild - Thursday, 16 October 2014, 01:58 AM
Groep Learn Site Administrator

+1 for us as well.

We too would like to be able to gather feedback per session as opposed to just at course level.  Maybe the answer is that the learner is presented with a drop-down list containing the sessions (within the course) that they have 'Fully Attended' so that they can then give separate feedback if they have attended more than one or, if not, they would only be presented with one date anyway?


? ?
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door ? ? - Thursday, 16 October 2014, 06:23 AM


Austen Sinclair
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Austen Sinclair - Thursday, 16 October 2014, 13:10 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Everyone


There has been stable code for this since Moodle 1.9 and it runs well in our Totara 2.4 instance.

In the Feedback module you select from any existing F2F instances on the course page and this then appears in the Excel export.



Two screen shots below:

Adding the F2F instance:



Resulting Excel output:



Rickard Skiold
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Friday, 17 October 2014, 00:05 AM

Hi Austen,

That looks really good..!

Do you have any information about how you got this (e.g., could it be custom code, or some kind of plugin..)?


? ?
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door ? ? - Friday, 17 October 2014, 08:55 AM

If it has been in stable code I sure have missed it. I am guessing that it might actually be a patch you have to your feedback code.

This thread may be enlightening.

Perhaps this patch can be shared with the Totara community and considered for inclusion in core?

Joe Lillian
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Joe Lillian - Friday, 17 October 2014, 13:47 PM

I concur with Jamie.

I don't see a way to ​

in the feedback activity:  select from any existing F2F instances on the course page 
@AustenSinclair, perhaps this code is a patch on your system?


Austen Sinclair
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Austen Sinclair - Monday, 20 October 2014, 12:29 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete


I've asked our vendor (Catalyst IT) to share this directly with Totara HQ (they are in the same building) and will update once this is happened.


Rickard Skiold
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Monday, 20 October 2014, 13:54 PM


Thank you very much Austen!


Simon Coggins
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Simon Coggins - Monday, 27 October 2014, 18:45 PM
Groep Totara

Catalyst have now submitted this feature to the contrib repo, access details below:

git clone

git checkout t2-feature-feedback-facetoface

If you don't currently have permission to clone the contrib repository, please get in touch (and provide a copy of your public SSH key).


Rickard Skiold
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Tuesday, 28 October 2014, 00:09 AM

Great news,

Thank you very much Austen, Simon and Catalyst!


? ?
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door ? ? - Thursday, 27 November 2014, 06:14 AM


Just to take this recent thread up again: this solution looks very good and I've heard today from two different customers that this feature would be needed.

Will this code be included in the core at any point?


Simon Coggins
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Simon Coggins - Thursday, 4 December 2014, 17:30 PM
Groep Totara

If we were going to implement this for core, my initial feeling is that we'd want to do it in a more general way in order to make it more flexible.

This patch allows you to connect feedback and face-to-face activities, but why just those two specific types? People might want to associate feedback with a different activity, or associate two completely different activity types together.

However I'm open to feedback on that - can people see a use case for connecting other activity types together or is facetoface/feedback a bit of a special case?



Austen Sinclair
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Austen Sinclair - Thursday, 4 December 2014, 17:57 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Simon, It’s cool that you’re looking at this!

While I’m somewhat biased here (we already use this customisation) my view is the F2F is a special use case inside a course page. It’s the only activity that has a range of dates and as an additional relationship of the trainer assigned to sessions.  Otherwise, Feedback, when used to collect post-course evaluation doesn’t need any more information beyond Course Completion date.


Rickard Skiold
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Tuesday, 5 January 2016, 23:50 PM

I agree with Austen, Feedback and F2F-sessions has a special kind of relationship. We'd also like this to get into core.

On the other hand and as a partly separate scenario, what's often being asked for is a simple way to use one Feedback for many courses - where the customers want to be able to compare the results from different courses in one report.

We've tried to solve that with setting up a Feedback on the front page and then mapping to it from multiple courses, but haven't found this to work good in practice. (Typically the customer doesn't want the feedback activity to be visible on the front page, but when we hide it there, it can't be accessed from the courses.)


Rickard Skiold
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Rickard Skiold - Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 05:10 AM

Hi again,

We had a customer group meeting yesterday, and 'support for feedback related to sessions' came up as a top 5 priority for feature requests among our Totara clients.

Based upon this, we're thinking of providing the Feedback-extension (the contribution above) to our clients. What we would like to know, is if there are any foreseeable issues with this 'session-linking' related to the new Seminar feature in 9.0?


Simon Coggins
Re: Feedback tagged with face-to-face session..?
door Simon Coggins - Sunday, 3 April 2016, 17:57 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Rickard,

It's likely that a site with that contribution applied would require some conflicts resolved when upgrading to 9.0, because there are a lot of changes so it's likely some will be in similar areas of code. That said, nothing is fundamentally different about the structure of the sessions in the database, so it seems likely the conflicts would be fairly easy to resolve.
