Best practice forum (Archived)

Triggering new user account emails

? ?
Triggering new user account emails
par ? ?, Thursday 9 October 2014, 16:26

Any way to bulk email list of users already exist in Totara with a link and their temporary password?

We want to trigger new user account emails to list of users which their account has previously setup for data migration purpose, we did not activate the email previously and cannot delete them and reload again which will lose all the data migration effort (e.g. course history).

I saw in another thread saying leavnig the password column empty in user sync file and load the sync file would do the job, however after waiting CRON job to run we still not getting the email, and wondering if there're other steps need to be taken care of.


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? ?
Re: Triggering new user account emails
par ? ?, Wednesday 15 October 2014, 19:50

I see. Thanks Niek :)