Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Oliver
I can't see anywhere in the course settings to do this - there has been a similar question in 2009 where Francois Marier suggested the following (hopefully this still applies)
Have you tried changing this line:
$string['locale'] = 'en_AU.UTF-8';
in the following Totara file:
The following suggestion was also made.
If you need to force the currency to be displayed regardless of the locale/language, you could put something like:
return '$' . $amount;
at the top of the format_cost() function in /mod/facetoface/lib.php
Francois still works for Catalyst so I can get him to give further details if this doesn't work.
Hi Oliver
I would definitely refresh the cache (Ctrl + R) the cache seems to hang on for a while in Totara. If this doesn't work i will get some input from Francois
I agree that this shouldn't need code changes to change settings, this is the aim of the rewritten modules in Totara are. The face to face module has been extensively modified for Totara with notifications and integrating into the training calendar and this may have been not high on the priority or overlooked.
I will add a feature request for this as this seems a useful feature to have in the face to face module.
Looking at the code it appears to use the line you changed only as a fallback if the locale information is not available:
$symbol = $localeinfo['currency_symbol'];
if (empty($symbol)) {
// Cannot get the locale information, default to en_US.UTF-8
return '$' . $amount;
Therefore I would try what Craig suggested before about setting the locale.