Best practice forum (Archived)

changing course icons in totara theme

? ?
changing course icons in totara theme
von ? ? – Sunday, 10 April 2011, 9:31 PM

I've replaced the default Totara theme icon image files with our own custom ones. (default business themed ones aren't as relevant to us)

In the course settings screen my new icons can be selected and display fine, although after clicking "save changes" the new icon doesn't show up in the categories list of courses.

do I need to do anything else, besides replace the images files in the totara_theme/icons/big & small folders?

PS: is there a reason we can't upload images in the body of the forum posts and only add attachments?

Simon Coggins
Re: changing course icons in totara theme
von Simon Coggins – Monday, 11 April 2011, 5:16 PM
Gruppe Totara

You shouldn't need to do anything else to get course icons working.

There seems to be a bug - we don't seem to correctly display icons which have an  ampersand (&) in their name, which explains why Totara_D&D isn't showing up. I'll create a bug to fix that but in the mean time try renaming the image file.

I'm not sure about the second one that's not appearing, perhaps some other special character in the filename?

Normally we would show a default icon (box) instead, it looks like maybe you removed the large/default.png and small/default.png images from your courseicons directory when you got rid of the others? Try putting those two back (or creating your own default icon).

As for adding images to forum posts, are you getting a message:

The requested URL /lib/editor/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/moodlelink/link.php was not found on this server.

We've got a bug open for that which we're fixing right now.


? ?
Re: changing course icons in totara theme
von ? ? – Monday, 11 April 2011, 6:50 PM

I replaced the default image file back in the folder locations for the icons. I also renamed the image files to take out any "-" and"_" which seems to have fixed the issue.

The new custom icons now seem to display properly.

I don't have any error messaging turned on for our Totara site, but i don't believe we are getting the error message...


Simon Coggins
Re: changing course icons in totara theme
von Simon Coggins – Monday, 16 May 2011, 10:13 PM
Gruppe Totara

We've included a fix for this in Totara 1.0.11 released today (17th May).

Unfortunately it proved to be difficult to allow special characters in image names (as there are some security implications), so instead files with certain special characters can no longer be selected as course icon (they don't appear in the list).
