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Duplicates of Competencies appearing in the Competency view of the Record of Learning.

Austen Sinclair
Duplicates of Competencies appearing in the Competency view of the Record of Learning.
door Austen Sinclair - Saturday, 21 May 2011, 17:47 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Maybe this is a 'feature'?

The issue we have is when a staff member has the same Competency in two learning plans it appears twice (although with the same rating) in the Recording of Learning.

You can see this in the site - login as Learner.

On one hand, I can see that it could be useful to see that a staff member has worked towards a competency in the past. But, given the all the duplicate Competencies update to the most recently input rating value I'm inclined to think it's a bug.

Have I missed something?


Simon Coggins
Re: Duplicates of Competencies appearing in the Competency view of the Record of Learning.
door Simon Coggins - Sunday, 22 May 2011, 14:15 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Austen,

This is the intended behaviour, the reason being, the record of learning contains plan-specific information about each item that could be different between plans. For example the 'due date' in the plan is specific to each plan.

If you don't want to see duplicates, you can remove all the columns from the report that are specific to the item's plan.

In the case of the demo site, if you removed the 'Learning Plan' and 'Course Due Date' columns from the Course report, the extra records are collapsed and you only see one record per course. For the competency report you'd need to remove 'Plan', 'Plan Status', 'Priority' and 'Due date', as they are all columns related to the competency's plan.


Austen Sinclair
Re: Duplicates of Competencies appearing in the Competency view of the Record of Learning.
door Austen Sinclair - Sunday, 22 May 2011, 14:34 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Simon,

And indeed it does. Thanks for this and for not pointing out that with a little more effort on my part I could have figured that out myself!


Craig Eves
Re: Duplicates of Competencies appearing in the Competency view of the Record of Learning.
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 22 May 2011, 14:35 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Austen

I also think this is as it should be as the competency occurs in two different learning plans which might be possible. For example , a first aid refresher course might need to be included in more than one learning learning plan for an individual for the same competency.

If you could add the same competency to the same learning plan then this would be a problem.
