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Wiki markup problem with scandinavian letters?

? ?
Wiki markup problem with scandinavian letters?
by ? ? - Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 11:45 PM


There seems to be a (markup language??) bug in Totara's wiki module.
When writing text with scandinavian letter "ä", wiki usually creates a new page.It seems there is not similar problem with other scandinavian letters "ö" and "å".

See attached screenshot.

This problem occurs with:
- Mozilla Firefox 4 (Mac)
- Mozilla Firefox 3 (Windows)
- Safari 5.0.4 (Mac)

In Finnish language there is lot of common words with letter "ä", so using wiki its quite frustrating at the moment :-(

Can someone help on this issue, please.

- Jani

Craig Eves
Re: Wiki markup problem with scandinavian letters?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 2:51 PM
Group Totara

Hi Jani

This problem seems to occur when the ä appears twice in a word. I tried inserting the html equivalent code ä but the editor takes this out.

I was able to prevent this from creating a link by applying formatting to the second ä such as a text colour.

Are you using a Finnish language pack for tinyMCE as the menu looks as though it is in English. This probably won't help with the problem but at least the menu will be in Finnish.


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Craig Eves
Re: Wiki markup problem with scandinavian letters?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 9:27 PM
Group Totara

Hi Jani

I had a closer look at the help file for Erfutu and you can prevent this becoming a hyperlink by putting a ! before the word eg !Tässä (thats if you want to keep the Camel Case setting)


? ?
Re: Wiki markup problem with scandinavian letters?
by ? ? - Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 10:12 PM

Hi Alastair & Craig!

Thanks :-) I will continue testing today by turning off CamelCases and will also try this "!". And thanks for the patch as well :-)


- Jani