Best practice forum (Archived)

Write new data sources for report builder.

Nurhaisyam Satar
Write new data sources for report builder.
על ידי Nurhaisyam Satar בתאריך 14/06/2011, 01:10


It is said in the F.A.Q that i can write data sources. How do i do that? which files/link/functions should i look into?

Simon Coggins
Re: Write new data sources for report builder.
על ידי Simon Coggins בתאריך 14/06/2011, 01:54
קבוצה Totara

If you look at the files in /local/reportbuilder/rb_sources/ you will see the format for a report builder source. Each file in that directory defines one of the report builder sources, which can be used to create reports of a particular type.

Typically a new source would be added by a developer - if you're a coder I'm happy to share some developer documentation on writing sources (not complete but it covers the basics), and we're always willing to accept suitable sources back into core Totara.


Nurhaisyam Satar
Re: Write new data sources for report builder.
על ידי Nurhaisyam Satar בתאריך 14/06/2011, 02:49

Hi Simon,

If the developer documentation can be share, it would be great and appreciated.At least having a basic lead is better than having nothing at all.


Simon Coggins
Re: Write new data sources for report builder.
על ידי Simon Coggins בתאריך 15/06/2011, 20:16
קבוצה Totara

Hi Hazmy,

Currently the developer docs are on a private wiki, but I've copied the contents of the reprot builder docs into the attached text file.


John Roughley
Re: Write new data sources for report builder.
על ידי John Roughley בתאריך 16/06/2011, 00:31
I've attached a MS Word version of the reports documentation.