Best practice forum (Archived)

Cron job freezing? SCORM package size limit

? ?
Cron job freezing? SCORM package size limit
di ? ? - Sunday, 19 June 2011, 17:09

We uploaded a SCORM package course (made in Articulate) which is 186mb in size. When the cron script runs it seems to hang/freeze when trying to run the course backup for that SCORM package. The cron script never seems to complete as it can't pass the point of the backup...

I ran the cron script manually this morning and it has been going for several hours wihtout completing, where as normally it would complete in a matte rof seconds.

Just wondering if there is a size limit to uploading any SCORM packages to Totara? Or that is affecting the course backup feature of the cron script?

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Monday, 20 June 2011, 03:14
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? ?
Re: Cron job freezing? SCORM package size limit
di ? ? - Sunday, 3 July 2011, 22:49

I increased the file upload size limits on our server, so we could upload the SCORM package.

I believe the issue is related to what Darko posted about, i'll try increasing the memory limit setting in php.ini and see if that helps.

Darko Miletic
Re: Cron job freezing? SCORM package size limit
di Darko Miletic (resigned) - Monday, 20 June 2011, 06:18

Hi Ira,

As you know a backup file is a zip file. By default Totara uses internal php zip implementation for compressing things. The limitation of that approach is that no zip file can be larger than the maximum memory size assigned to the PHP script. You could try setting command line zip utilies to see if that changes anything.

Visit the Administration ► Server ► System Paths for setting this up.



? ?
Re: Cron job freezing? SCORM package size limit
di ? ? - Wednesday, 20 July 2011, 23:12

thanks for that tip.

Setting up the system paths appears to have fixed the issue for the backup, as it is completely successfully now.

