Best practice forum (Archived)

Course Tags

Course Tags
?? 发表于 2011年08月4日 Thursday 21:40

Is course tagging supported currently in Totara?

I noticed there is an Admin setting to switch it on in course default settings (Enable Course tagging), but I can't seem to set any tags within a course or search by course tags in the tags page/block.

I didn't think course tagging was a feature in Moodle 1.9, just user and blog tags...

Re: Course Tags
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年08月6日 Saturday 01:47
小组 Totara

Yes it is, although it's disabled by default as we are encouraging the use of course custom fields instead as they are a bit more flexible.

If you do want to use it, be aware that only 'official' tags appear in the selection, and it will be hidden completely if there are no 'offical' tags.

You can create new offical tags via the 'Manage tags' page:


Re: Course Tags
?? 发表于 2011年08月7日 Sunday 23:34

Ok, we didn't have any official tags - so couldn't see the tags in course settings...

Can the course tags be used by learners to help them find/search courses? Or are they used more in the reporting for creating more details?

Re: Course Tags
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年08月8日 Monday 12:18
小组 Totara

There's a limited amount of filtering available via report builder.

Once course tagging is enabled you should see some extra columns and filters in the 'courses' report source and the find courses embedded report.

You get one column per official tag, which lists yes/no if the course has that tag. You can also add filters for those columns (e.g. only show courses with/without a particular tag).


Re: Course Tags
?? 发表于 2011年08月9日 Tuesday 23:31
I didn't realise the Find Courses > Search courses page was displaying a built in report which you could customise.

We have readjust the columns and filters of this report to better display the type of results we want.

Also, you we achieved a 'better' course tagging system by creating a custom field for courses and adding tags in there, rather than the standard course tagging option.

thanks again for these tips!